What is Kinesiology?

What happens in a session?
If you’re new to kinesiology you’ve most likely been introduced it through a friend or family member who has raved about the outcomes they have achieved but may have been lacking in detail about the process.
You may feel a little unsure about how the therapy works. You may be asking yourself will this work for me?
Kinesiology can be used to help with body pain, postural deviation, as well as emotional stress, trauma, but also optimizing our daily life or preparing future performance.
Kinesiology is a relatively new therapy. It could be described as a hybrid of Chiropractic muscle testing techniques (Touch For Health techniques) and Chinese Medicine which can also incorporate teachings from other modalities such as Retained Reflexes, Emotional stress and Nutrition.
It is the unique, modern blend of these techniques to provide a treatment that is holistic in nature. Kinesiology focuses on body, mind and spirit and the connections between the physical body, emotional and biochemical stress: The triangle of Health.
Because kinesiology addresses the root causes of the problems using muscle testing it can take fewer sessions to fully address an issue than many other therapies.
When you attend your first kinesiology session your practitioner will discuss your issue and take a history that covers many aspects of your health. Your practitioner will then help you to define what you would like to achieve from the session. Don’t worry if you don’t know exactly what you want, many people come to their first session lacking clarity.
Most of the work takes place on a massage table whilst your kinesiologist uses muscle testing, Touch For Health® techniques to determine where there are imbalances in the energetic system. Your kinesiologist may test one muscle or a combination of muscles to accurately define where stress is located within the system.
When stress is located your kinesiologist may use a number of techniques including acupressure holding points (without needles!) or Brain Gym® movements to correct the imbalance and unblock the ‘blocked up’ energy pathways and help restore balance to the system.
Your kinesiologist may find that emotional stress is a factor in the imbalance and might talk to you about this in order to help you become consciously aware of how it relates to the problem. When emotional stress is brought into conscious awareness it is easier to integrate and release.
Your session should finish with an overview of what has been achieved within the session and a summary of any relevant homework or lifestyle changes necessary.
In order to get the most from your kinesiology session make sure you are clear about what your goals are from the outlay.
Most clients report feeling lighter and less weighed down upon finishing up a kinesiology session. It is important to remember that it can take a few days for things to fully fall into place after the session.
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Brain Gym®
Eliminate the damaging effects of stress on performance with designed movement exercises to create harmony mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Performing everyday on the stage of life is challenging. By cultivating the physical components of learning — visual, auditory, motor, and stress management skills — you can perform at your peak with ease and joy.
Our framework allows you to develop a reliable set of tools to align your whole body, mind, and spirit towards reaching the goals in your life, at your own pace, and in your own way.
Touch for Health® Kinesiology
“To empower ourselves and others to be responsible for developing self-awareness, health and well-being through TFH.”
Touch for Health® Kinesiology (TFHK ) is a system of balancing posture, attitude and life energy for greater comfort, vitality and enjoyment of your life.
The Touch for Health model does not treat or diagnose symptoms, but works with the energy, lifestyle and aspirations of the client, offering a safe and effective way to maintain health, enhance well-being and upgrade performance.
Touch for Health is the most widely used system of kinesiology in the world.
It is recognised and respected as a fundamental training for other kinesiology systems as well as a healing modality in it’s own right.
Retained Reflexes
Retained Reflex Syndrome (RRS) is when – due to some form of stress during pregnancy, birth or early infancy – we retain some fetal or primitive reflexes, which have an adverse impact on our ability to learn and interact with the world around us.
It is believed that RRS is at the root of many childhood disorders such as ADHD, dyspraxia and dyslexia, which are merely labels for a group of symptoms, which have in common neuro-developmental delay, but with no consensus as to what is the cause.
We are born with a whole range of reflexes – a set of instinctive, involuntary reactions to a certain stimulus. These reflexes have evolved over millennia to aid our passage from the womb, to protect us from harm in our vulnerable early months and to provide rudimentary training for later voluntary skills.
If all goes according to nature’s plan, all the fetal and primitive reflexes follow a similar pattern: They initiate in the uterus, become integrated into the neural system. This lays down the pattern for future controllable actions and responses, and then inhibit when it’s time to move on to the next developmental stage.
It’s important to realize that these early reflexes are located in the most primitive area of the brain, the brain stem, and operate involuntarily. We simply cannot control them. As we develop, the higher parts of the brain – the cortex, responsible for thinking and reasoning, and the midbrain, the organization center of the motor and sensory systems – take over the functions of the primitive reflexes. These functions are then transformed into responses and actions that can be consciously controlled or modified.
If the primitive reflexes fail to inhibit however, the more sophisticated neural structures of the brain, along with the postural (adult) reflexes, cannot develop properly. The normal development of motor and processing skills and integration of the left and right sides of the brain are affected. The child is stuck with immature responses to their environment. “Act your age!” may literally be an impossibility for them.
“I am working as VP Finance in a large corporation.
I started to experience some severe anxiety and sleep disorder.
We did multiple sessions together and what I can tell is that not only my vision of Kinesiology changed but also my vision/approach to other things have evolved.
The body muscle reaction comes very much mind blowing.
I can see improvement on me, my vision and my approach.
Since I started, I have significantly reduced my anxiety level from severe to average (psychiatric scale)."
"J’ai découvert la kinésiologie avec Stéphanie. Je ne savais pas trop à quoi m’attendre . J’ai été très agréablement surprise . Elle a pris le temps de m’expliquer en quoi cela consistait . Je l’ai consulté pour des problèmes d’endormissement et depuis je m’endors bien plus rapidement ! C’est quelqu’un de très doux et très patient que je recommande vivement pour les adultes comme pour les enfants !"
""Stéphanie has recently started to help our son with emotions management. She is very professional, explaining to both parents and kid how it works, what will be the process.She was kind and efficient in keeping him focused throughout the appointment.Our son reports positive impact and we can witness impact of brain gym exercises he learnt with Stéphanie.We look forward to continuing kinesiology practice with her."